Monday, July 11, 2011


with the transient and semi-unstable lifestyle that we've chosen for ourselves (currently being split between two continents), we're taking school year by year. there will be years of homeschooling. other years the kids will be sent to a big, red schoolhouse. today marked our first day of big, red schoolhouse adventures. i'm looking forward to sharing them with you throughout the year!

rachel helped me pack her lunch up last night in her brand, new tinkerbell lunchbox. 

she was pretty bummed when i told her we were going to have to wake up pretty early to get ready for school. i was planning on getting up before the kids (which had me a little bummed, too) so i could get their breakfasts ready while they snoozed a little extra. but it turns out rachel was already awake and ready to go when i got up. so i let the little man snooze a little extra. he was pretty un-enthused to get up early to walk his sister to school.

bookbag: check. lunch: check. rest mat: check. precious paper with room number: check. 

here she is walking across the parking lot to school. oh, how i had to fight for this walk! this was my first big frustration with the public school system: the fact that we lived next door to an elementary school, but weren't zoned for it. i requested a transfer, got denied, had to appeal, and finally was granted permission for my daughter to walk next door. (there were other factors going into my transfer request other than our proximity to the school, but come on. their teachers park in my front yard.)

i expected to be all weepy and huggy when i dropped my daughter off and watched her walk into the school like such a big girl, but after the events of last week with my precious boy, a first day of kindergarten isn't nearly as big of a deal and slightly anti-climactic.  lucas and i got to chase a rabbit on the walk back home and he admired the school buses. it's just you and me now, bubbs!

actually this is rachel's only real school day this week. today is assessment day, thursday i'll get news of who her teacher is and where her classroom is, and we'll go meet her teacher on friday. next monday will start her first full big, red schoolhouse school week!


Joy for the Seasons said...

Well welcome to our county's crazy world of schooling and zoning! Proud of you for seeing it through! And I am thinking the fact that you are to her school helps your mama's heart a lot!

Mom-mode said...

Happy first kindergarten day ms. Rachel!!!