Friday, December 23, 2011

a fun new tradition for us!

so at this point, you probably have your christmas decorating well out of the way, but i thought i'd still take time to share a fun family activity/tradition that we started this year.

stringing popcorn!

i had actually never done this before in my life, but since i'm finding myself in an extra crafty mood this christmas (since many of our decorations are in another country and we don't have room to pack any new ones for the future, except, of course, for our stockings), i thought it would be a fun experience and add a neat touch to our tree. (we popped in 'a christmas carol' to watch as we ventured out on this new family tradition.)

i found a random spool of kite string in a random drawer and thought it would be just the thing. turned out it was! i also had to search through my needles for longer, sturdier ones (we definitely broke a couple smaller needles in half before we figured that out). yarn needles might work really well, too, but i didn't try it out.

then, just get to stringing'! with having younger kids, a lot of the stringing was left to the hubby and myself, but the kids did help out in the beginning, and they were pretty excited about the finished product on the tree. (turns out i was right, it added a great touch and we got a lot of comments about our homemade popcorn string at our christmas party!) 

one day, our kids will be big enough to do this all by themselves! (if they want to, of course.)

if you have any christmas eve downtime tomorrow, it might be worth a try! happy stringing!

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